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I’m Ann Murray and I want to thank you for your interest in Perfectly Complete. For many years, I have desired to teach women and encourage them to go deeper into God’s word.  Over years of leading women’s Bible studies, God grew in my heart a passion to see all women (indeed, all Christians) fall in love with God’s word and hunger to dig in for themselves. I also realized that God has given me a gift of teaching. Some of my greatest joys come from seeing women learn about God and grow in understanding of His will for their lives, then to go and begin teaching others what they have learned. I’m very excited to see God use this ministry that He’s put on my heart.

I came to know the Lord during my junior year of college, about a month after my 21st birthday.  However, it wasn’t until many years later that I learned how to study the Bible and began digging into God’s word. That’s when I began to grow as a Christian and to really begin to see God working in my life. To me, God’s word is a precious treasure and the guide to everything I need to live a life that blesses my heavenly Father. For example, learning to rest in the Lord (Matthew 11:28-30) helped me to let go of my perfectionist streak that caused all kinds of unneeded stress and worry in my life. Resting in the Lord and trusting that He has good plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28) enabled me to weather turbulent times at work and gives me strength to cope with the storms of life (including a chronic health condition) without losing the peace and joy I’ve found. The treasures in God’s word are available to all who believe in Jesus and are filled with the Spirit.  We just need to learn how to dig them out.

I live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where I worked at Laramie County Community College, first as a math and statistics instructor then as director of institutional research, until I retired in September 2018.  I’m the proud aunt of my awesome niece and nephew (their parents are pretty great, too), and, although I’ve never married or had children, I have “adopted” many additional nieces and nephews in my wonderful church family. I’m currently working on a set of devotional studies that I hope to publish over the next few years (stay tuned for updates on this) and am involved in prayer and study groups through my local church.

If you have questions about me or Perfectly Complete, please feel free to contact me.

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Photo Courtesy of Christine Kronz Photographer, LLC

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