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A New Creation

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. - 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

What a wonderful thought this is! In Christ, I am a new creation.

When I think about who I was before I met Jesus, I am amazed and thankful for all the ways I am new in Christ.

Before I met Jesus, I was a painfully shy, lonely, awkward, and insecure woman who worried about everything. I tried so hard to be perfect, but I always let myself down. I felt unseen and unlovable by anyone who wasn't close family.

Because of accepting Jesus, I am confident, secure, and content to trust Him to take care of things for me. I know God sees me and loves me regardless of my faults and quirks. I know that I don't have to be perfect to earn anybody's love. This brings freedom and peace and joy.

Now, my thoughts can revert back to “old me” ways. But, with the help of Jesus and His Spirit, I am able to control those thoughts and get back to “new me” again. It takes prayer and persistence, but it does happen. And the more I grow in faith and understanding, the more quickly I let go of the old and live in the new.

New me is a much happier, more joyful person.

This applies to anyone and everyone who is in Christ. Anyone who has recognized their sin and has accepted what Jesus did to save us from that sin is in Christ. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation right now.

Think About:

  • Are you a new creation in Christ?

  • In what ways have you been made new?

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