Give us this day our daily bread - Matthew 6:11 ESV
I like how Jesus focuses us on today. He doesn’t want me to be concerned about what I might need tomorrow or the next day, just ask for what I need today. And the bread is about my basic needs, not my wants or desires. Jesus tells us to simply ask for what I need today.

Praying this way involves a lot of trust. Trust that God knows what I need today better than I do. Trust that He will provide exactly the right thing to fill meet that need.
This reminds me of the manna in the wilderness. Most days, God provided bread from heaven. He told the people to gather just enough for that day. Those who tried to keep some for the future woke to a stinky mess on the next day. The only day this didn’t happen was one the sixth day, when God told them to keep some for the Sabbath. That was so they could have their day of rest. Those who went to gather on the Sabbath were disappointed to find no manna. But God miraculously stretched everyone’s leftovers, so they all had enough. (See Exodus 16.)
God was showing them that they had to trust Him with their needs and not try to do for themselves.
I think this applies for all our needs, not just the provision of basic things like bread and shelter. I find it’s hardest for me to wait patiently for the Lord when I’m wrestling with some spiritual or emotional trial, or when I’m struggling to figure out the best thing to do in the future. If I can bring myself back to today and trust God to help me through whatever I’m facing right now, I can get back to trusting that He knows best.
This brings me back to Jesus. He tells us in John 6 that He is the bread of life, and He makes it clear He’s speaking of spiritual things. When I trust Him with everything, He gives me all I need now and everlasting life in the future. I don’t need to completely understand things; I need to go to Jesus and believe.
Think About: What do you need to trust God for today?