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Giving Thanks To His Name

Oh, give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! - Psalm 105:1 ESV

I love Thanksgiving. To me, it’s all about taking time to reflect on everything I have to be thankful for. The meal is secondary to the time with family and friends (although I do love the sides). So, this is a perfect verse for me to prepare my heart for today.

“Call upon his name” really caught my attention as I pondered what to share about this verse. His names and titles point me to so many reasons to be thankful today and always.

·       He’s my Father, who cares so much for me and loves me steadfastly regardless of how often I mess up.

·       He’s my Provider, who gives me what I need and abundantly more.

·       He’s God Almighty, who is bigger than any struggle that I may face.

·       He’s my Good Shepherd, who guides and protects me.

·       He’s my Healer, who has mended my heart and our relationship.

·       He’s my Savior, who has rescued me from the penalty I owe for my sin.

·       He’s my Creator, who knit me together in my mother’s womb and made me in His image.

·       He’s the Prince of Peace, who gives me peace and contentment that the world can’t understand without Him.

·       He’s my Rock, who gives me a firm foundation in this crazy world.

·       He’s my Shelter, who gives me a place to hide when life just gets to be too much sometimes.

·       He’s my faithful and true Lord, who lets me serve Him with all my flaws and foibles.

He’s so much more than what I am able to express in a short list. (I’ll let you search the scriptures to find these and others.)

He’s my everything.

I hope that you have met the Lord in all these different ways.

Think About: Make some time every day to call on His name and thank Him.

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