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Let's Talk Cheesecake!

Updated: May 31, 2023

Cheesecake (the simple, plain New York style, with maybe some fresh berries) is best food in the entire world to me. Rich, creamy, smooth, and oh so yummy. I love to eat it slowly in small bites and savor every morsel. My mouth starts watering just thinking about cheesecake.

I know you’re probably wondering what cheesecake has to do with today’s devotion! To me, eating cheesecake is a perfect picture of devotional reading of Scripture. I like to take my time and savor everything that the Spirit wants to show me. Some verses are so packed with meaning that they are “cheesecake verses” to me.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, … - Ephesians 3:20a NKJV

This is one of the first verses started me thinking of Scripture as cheesecake when I meditated on it. God can do exceedingly abundantly more than I can even think to ask Him. Not just more, not just abundantly more, exceedingly abundantly more! Other translations use immeasurably (NIV) or infinitely (NLT). God’s ability to do what He says is infinite.

Wow! My God is HUGE, bigger than any need I have, bigger than any trouble I’m facing, bigger than any enemy.

How comforting this is. At the same time, how humbling it is to think that the all-powerful, infinitely-able God who created everything picked me, with all my flaws and foibles, to be his beloved daughter through Jesus.

I need to sit and savor this for a while.

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! - Psalm 34:8a ESV

Think About: Which verses make you stop and savor the Lord’s goodness?

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