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We’re still looking at the first sentence of 2 Peter this week. After Peter introduces himself and tells whom he’s writing (you and me, if you’ve been saved by Jesus), he gets to his actual greeting.

May grace and peace be multiplied to you

in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

(2 Peter 1:2 ESV)

Grace and peace were common greetings for the Greeks and Jews of Peter’s day. (Check the beginning of Paul’s letters.) What really caught my attention was Peter’s prayer that grace and peace be multiplied to his readers. (Math geek here😊) He uses the same phrasing in 1 Peter 1:2a.

Multiplication is powerful stuff. If you have a dollar and could find a way to double your money every day, you’d be a millionaire in just under three weeks. In 30 days, you’d be a billionaire with $1,073,741,824!

I can’t think of a way to multiply money like that, but there is a way for grace and peace to be multiplied. That’s in the knowledge of God and of Jesus. To gain this knowledge, I just need to spend time with my Bible and prayer, soaking in God’s word.

This gets me excited! I can grow in knowledge and grace and peace simply by spending time with God. And when I do this consistently, every day multiplies my supply grace and peace so that I am wealthy. And when I am wealthy in grace and peace, I am equipped to go and live in a way that honors God by sharing Jesus’ love with the people I encounter.

The only catch here is how consistently I make time with God. Like everybody, I can allow all the things on my to-do list to distract me so that I rush through my daily study and prayer time. The beautiful thing about God is that He’s always waiting for me when I realize this and get back to quality time with Him.

Think About:

  • What prevents you from spending consistent quality time with God through prayer and His Word?

  • How can you develop this consistency?

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(2 Peter 3:18a ESV)

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